We are proud to introduce out latest member of the Org family... Emily Emerson! Emily is a talented illustrator who creates whimsical, joyful art in her sunny Kansas studio. In her work, you will find cute animals, bright colours, cheerful patterns and a fondness for the beauty of nature.
The latest in the Squish McFluff series is out now! Written by Pip Jones and published by Faber Children's, it is full of Ella Okstad's unique and adorable illustrations. In the newest outing 'Squishy McFluff: Meets Mad Nana Dot' Ava and Squishy are up to their normal no-good when Dad whisks them off to Nana Dot’s – Mum’s got to go to the hospital to bring back Ava a baby sister! But Mad Nana Dot’s lost her glasses so can’t SEE Squishy McFluff . . . and a trip to the hairdresser’s, the post office, the fishmonger all end in adorable disaster.