After the success of the first title, we're very pleased to share with you the second book in the 'Harry and Lil' series, 'The Hog, the Shrew and the Hullaballoo - beautifully illustrated by our very own Eunyoung Seo and published by Faber & Faber. She has been busy hard at work on the third book in the series which will be published soon, so stay tuned!
The wonderful Andrés Martinez Ricci has recently been branching out and flexing his superior drawing skills as a graphic facilitator for corporate events. He contributes with companies and institutions to convey concepts and processes in a clear way through visual thinking and scribing. He goes all over Spain to draw live at events such as conferences, debates and workshops. What is more, he also produce videos of himself drawing at he events! He can also provide 'scribing maps' to companies for their visual reference.